WORK REST PLAY CRUISE!! This is your chance to see SUBHUMANS and WAR ON WOMEN as you’ve never seen them before! On a boat cruising the scenic sights of NYC! Us Fish Must Swim Together, From The Cradle To The Grave! Grab tickets on Friday at noon sharp!!! Arrivals and departures couldnt be easier on a Rocks Off Concert Cruise! Where’s The Freedom? It’s on the water!
This is a 3 hour cruise bringing you all around NY Harbor for the best views in and of New York City – the Greatest City in The World!! We will get up close and personal with the Statue of Liberty, take in the iconic skyline, cruise under the Brooklyn, Manhattan and Williamsburg Bridges and explore the East and Hudson Rivers! Create memories, Think For Yourself, and get some scenic shots for the Gram, fam. Share them with a friend, even if you are World’s Apart!
This cruise is aboard THE LIBERTY BELLE and will depart from Pier 36 – 299 South Street.
We will be boarding at 6:00 pm and departing promptly at 7pm, returning to the dock right around 10pm! So you can still Get To Work On Time!